Sew Knit Craft Limited

58 King Street, Cambridge, CB1 1LN

01223 350691

How do you relax? Practice yoga? Exercise mindfulness? For Irena Spence, calmness comes the minute she picks up her trusty knitting needles, selects an exquisite yarn and begins working her magic. Able to ‘knit one, purl one’ from the age of five, when she stitched a skirt for her dolly, Irena has been hooked ever since. And though her career took a different path – she ran her own solicitor’s practice for 18 years – Irena never gave up on the dream of one day owning a craft shop. So, when the opportunity arose to take over Sew Creative on King Street, Irena took the plunge.


That was in June 2018, and now trading as Sew Knit Craft Ltd, the store has become a crafter’s paradise, packed to the rafters with wool, fabrics, buttons, dyes, needles and haberdashery. There’s an assortment of sewing machines in the window, from top brands Janome, Bernina and Pfaff – and the store offers machine servicing. A large back room boasts a dizzying array of wool, in every conceivable hue, from the likes of King Cole, Sirdar and Stylecraft. Take the bunting-clad stairs to the first floor, and the walls are a sea of fabrics, in a kaleidoscope of colours, featuring contemporary prints (Lewis & Irene), luxurious designs (Liberty) and seasonal patterns (Moda).


Keen to create ‘a craft hub’, Irena launched the very popular bi-weekly SKC Yarn Club, where like-minded folk gather to crochet and knit over a cuppa. There’s also a variety of workshops, including beginners knitting, beginners crochet, felting, and dress-making.


So, if you are craving a break from life’s treadmill, pop in and talk to Irena, or one of her four incredibly-knowledgeable staff. You will soon catch the crafting bug!