Advertise in Cambridge's coolest magazine

The Indie is a 36-page, full colour, tabloid-sized magazine published twice a year: Spring/Summer & Autumn/Winter, dedicated solely to promoting local independent businesses.


It’s packed with fascinating indie features and people. Over 5000 copies of each edition are distributed free around Cambridgeshire.


Feature an ad in the next edition and reach sophisticated consumers in Cambridgeshire and beyond.


If you are an independent business with a CB postcode why not join us? You’ll get a feature in one edition each year and a generous discount on any additional advertising. View our rate card

The benefits of joining Indie Cambridge

Joining Indie Cambridge is the least any local independent business should do in terms of their marketing.

Tine Roche

Cambridge Cookery School

That’s right, she did mention it was through your newsletter that she got in touch, so thank you for that! Always pays to get a mention in your newsletters.

Rob Marsden


Anne and her team are tirelessly championing local Cambridge businesses – and have done for years. They provide support and training for their members, helping them to get the knowledge they need. There is so much care and love put into the magazine too.

Neil Bharadwa

Cambridge Fruit Company